Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My 24 year old self's thoughts on being pregnant

As I was browsing thru my old multiply account, and I stumbled on this..

5 months pregnant
Heartburn. Swollen ankles. Nausea. Backaches. Constipation. Varicose Veins. Blah blah blah.
the cover of any parenting magazine and you’ll see a list of all the horrible ailments that strike when you are pregnant. Read those articles and you’ll wonder why anyone would ever have a child! But in my book, those things are all just minor bumps in the road along a fabulously exciting, rewarding and amusing ride! When you think about it, there are some really great things about being pregnant.

Woo hoo! No more sucking in your stomach to look thinner. Now is the one time when it’s OK to have a nice round belly. Relax that gut! And you cannot tell me maternity jeans aren’t more comfortable than regular jeans. I’ll take those wide expanses of soft belly panel fabric over button or zip fly jeans any day!

Every time I feel the baby kick inside of me, I am overcome with this intense feeling of awe and wonder. I cannot believe it. We did this. My husband and I have created a new life that is growing inside of me. By ourselves. How cool is that? Sure, sometimes it’s totally freaky and you just want the alien creature to stop squirming around inside of you, but most days it is the greatest thing going.
Finally, I am eternally thankful and grateful that I am able to be pregnant. So many women have a hard time getting pregnant while others cannot have children at all. When I think about how lucky I am to even carry this child, all those other minor pregnancy annoyances like heartburn and hemorrhoids seem so ridiculous. I am blessed to have this child and I am going to enjoy this pregnancy (and uninterrupted sleep) for the next few months!

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